Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

Hot doesn't even begin to describe it

Have always been : Average

Wants to be : Special

Mission's Method(s) : I'll get back to you on that

Fendi X-factor is in the office right now. Cute. Learning a system, probably. This would be a great time to reminisce an incident that happened during studying days.

We were driving around campus and we saw Fendi X-factor walking along the road. Masyu had the idea of winding down the window, stick her head out of the car and shout "Kau sehangat api! (You are as hot as fire!)" which was a line from one of the group's more famous songs as we went past him. Hilarious!

It didn't happen though. We drove past him quietly. He was cute.

The look on his face would have been priceless.