Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

Unfinished business

Baddie : What are you?
Dorian Gray : I'm....complicated.
League of the Extraordinary Gentleman (and a woman)

The more I clean up my room, the more I discover that I have a lot of cool stuffs. Ooh, a Benetton bag! Wow, a paperbag from Kensington Palace! Now all I need is a treasure chest to put allllllll my treasures in. If not, it will forever remain buried under a whole bunch of other things, and it's glory will never be restored to proper glorification. I wore my mother's Bruno Magli sandals throwing out the garbage this morning. At that moment of time, I was the chickest chick in my taman. Tres Chic!

Anugerah Era 2003 : IT COULD HAVE BEEN BETTER. For dignity's sake, people, if you want to have a 70's theme, the least you could do is watch That 70's Show. Reference, people, reference!

Down With Love is delightful! Ewan Mcgregor is a cad! Renee Zellweger is inspiring! Niles is funny! Loved it!

I miss my weekly dosage of Buffy. Sigh. But TBATB is just as riveting! This week Stephanie the first has gained conciousness. She's happily welcomed into the land of conciousness by Fake Rick and Amber, Thorne and Macy (whaaaaaa??), Ridge and Taylor, and of course, Eric the first. Eric the first asked Stephanie to marry him. Stephanie says yes. Brooke pleaded to Ridge to just let her be happy with Thorne. While Ridge is convinced that the whole relationship is just a fling, Brooke is just as determined that "It is not a fling! How many times do I have to tell you?" She thought that she finally had Ridge convinced, but she thought wrong. Unfortunately she shared her feelings with Thorne. So Thorne is really still leading Macy on. So the drama. Becky is worried that Fake Rick is still not over Kimberley, and worries about Eric the third growing up in a not-so-ideal environment. All because she ran into Raymond, Amber's old "friend", who told her about Fake Rick and Kimberley's closeness before his marriege. Amber is kinda going crazy, and worries that she isnt really secure. So she goes to Kimberley to "talk", and a tarik-rambut kind of fight ensues. What action! Fortunately Fake Rick comes in just in time and stopped them before Kimberley got her chance to pull at Amber's hair. Hee. Becky then pretended to be some parisian journalist and asked Kimberley over the phone about rumors of her relationship with 'young monsieur Forrester'. Kimberley doesnt buy it and demanded the 'parisian journalist's' real agenda. The scene ended on Becky contemplating to reveal her true self.. Fake Rick is still so fake! Booooooooooooo!