Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

writing long

merdeka is just over.are you proud to be a malaysian?
yes,yes i am.i dont know in what ways,or if there are more than one ways to be proud to be malaysian,but yes,i am proud.

i'm thinking i want to change.for the better,of course.i want to be more sane and controlled.
Allah help me,i want to change.

last week on buffy,she discovers that the life that she was living now,just might not be real.that it could all be in her head.that she was a patient in a mental hospital,for real.and her mom was still alive,and her dad was still around.powerful stuff.
i love it when at the end,mental buffy looks at her mother,and say,"you're right.goodbye."
loved it.
next week:buffy's bluff gets blown!

today a friend asked,"ko tak rasa ker,macam,sam dengan frodo tu...gay?'
now that she got me thinking..hmmm...there could be...better go back and read somemore.

found and interesting blog->www.wannabegirl.com.

also received an email about people who have gone murtad.malays in malaysia.who embraced the christian religion,or isa al-masih they call it,openly and willingly.
scary mary lar.
mintak simpang perasaan nak lari dari islam.ish.
and then my friend also told me there's an actually a website for these people.
like,what!ada website!maknanyer ramai tuh!
*geleng kepala.
apa nak jadi,ntah ahhh....

taken,next week,episode 10,YAY!can't wait!