Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

Them good ol' days.

"I want to be a boy and always have fun.
You say that, but I think it's your greatest pretense."

Do you know what today is? Exactly a year ago my life changed when I boarded the bus and went straight to OBS Lumut.

So here's to 25 days of:

Being in a whaler in the middle of nowhere for more than 10 hours and rowing till your arms literally falls off, walking in the thick jungle for more than 10 hours, climbing hills and going down hills and crossing small rivers and swamps where there is a small snake right where you just stepped, going to the toilet anywhere, lugging bags that was 'bapak berat!' which all the boys agreed that it is but never offered to carry, not having a bath for more than three days, eating canned food and egg sandwiches that have been soaking in rainwater overnight, sleeping on the damn hard cold ground, braving rainstorms and not running for shelter, and much, much more. More. And more.

And being with Korbu-ans:

Karim Lee - "Hahahahahahahahhahahahaa!" (annoyingly)
Wanie - "Mana kain kapan aku?!" (she meant to say kain anduh)
Fuzzy - The singing partner
Nadia - The reliable one
Mar - The Superwoman
Mes - The partner in crime
Mat Yie - "Tak baik gitu.."
Mas - "I tak makan ayam.."
Hafiz - The young one
Adul - The skema but strong one
Bullet - The best leader a group could ever have
Bangis - "ishhh budak nih!" (whenever Karim gets too much to bear)
Miss Lalitha - You can't help, of course, but to love her
and me - "tak larat..weih aku tak larat weih.."


Here's to the memory.

I think I'm going to miss you forever.