Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

Incubus is coming to town.

[phone rings]

Hullo? Yeah, this is her. Brandon Boyd! Hey, hi! I haven't heard from you for a while..yeah..oh I'm fine..how have you been? Yeah..I bet you must've been busy..uh-huh..heehee...ooh and someone just had a book out...eh..really? that's cool, man..uh-huh..i'm impressed..you guys are coming here? that's great! when? Oh, even you guys are not sure when, huh...yeah I've heard about it actually, heehee..oh, come on..of course I still remember you..I just..you know..stuffs...and hey you know what? I also heard this indonesian band, Sheila on 7 was going to open for you guys...yeah..heehee..actually..I wasnt planning on going...Oh, no, Brandon, don't sulk! I hate it when you do that...you know how I hate crowds...those days are over..you know..the days when you sang 'are you in' and I'm like, yeah, I'm in, baybee! heehee...but now..besides, its not like I could hang out with you and stuff..its like, a concert! I'm sure there'll be tonnes of other girls..yeah...heh..really...heeeheee...okay, I'll go if you can score me some front row seats...eh...eh...how about that? heeheee..yeah...okay..we'll see then...yeah...and maybe we can hang out some other time when you get here..yeah...heehee..yeah...oh, now? oh, okay..it's great talking to yuh...yeah...take care now..dont work too hard..heeheee...allrise...bye..

[hangs up]

Then later, we learned that Incubus couldnt make it afterall. Gasp! How can they - oh forget it. It's really not a surprise. Meh.