Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

Little Women

I've always disliked Amy. She's always a brat. I hated Jo for leaving Laurie. I thought Laurie was amazing. I have no feelings for Meg. I like Beth the best. It's always sad when she dies. Everyone wanted to be Jo; but not me. Of course I wouldn't want to be Beth, she's dying. Then I un-hate Jo, because, in the end, I guess the only person who is right for her is the professor. But Amy I still dislike all the time.

Survivor All-Star commences. It looks really interesting. Rob construction worker Mariano gets mucho screen time, the Hatch gets naked all the time, Rupert cries, one tribe is not smart enough to bail out water from their boat, and it is revealed that Ethan won only by pure luck. Tina and Rudy is out, and it's only been two episodes! The mind, she boggles.