Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

Conversations with thee.

You know what? Romeo and Juliet were wise to take their own lives for each other when they were madly in love. What if they did manage to escape and live together for years and years, and then discover that they actually bore each other to death? Now that would've been a bigger tragedy..

Thou scorn at love?
Nay, not Scorn, madam, Doubt. Thou do know'st of me.
Those who scorn at love shall be punished..

Proton's newest child, Gen2 was launched last saturday. Vios-fronted, Rio-ended. The colors are cool. Auto version will be released at the end of the year.
Beyonce took home 5 Grammy's, tied with Alicia in 2001.
Nurul Huda's murderer is still free.
Bird Flu in China, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, and now a poultry farm in Delaware, US.

January's Charactor Of The Month is :: Ethan Craft who goes to Lizzie's highschool! Three reasons for loving Ethan: He's dumb, he's cute, and he's popular. 'nuff said.

This month's Charactor Of The Month is Beatrice, that chick from Much Ado About Nothing. She's spunky, she's witty, and she's sarcastic.. I love her! And I bet Benedick is vey, very cute. He's a good match; Yay for Beatrice!

Hmmm. I wish I'm as pretty and witty as Lorelei Gilmore Senior. Only way, way, wayyy less annoying. And psychotic. But everyone loves her. Hmmm. Maybe there's more to this psychotic thing. Oh, hey, I'm halfway there already!