Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart


she: Who do you love the most in this world?
he: You.
she: To you, who am I, really?
he: (thinking for a long time, then looked at her) You're my rib! In the Book of God's words, God saw that Adam was lonely. When he was asleep, God took a rib from Adam and created Eve. All men will be looking for his lost rib and the moment they found a woman for themselves, they no longer feel pain in their hearts.

They got married and lived blissfully. But their lives slowly changed - each were busy with their own careers and life's challenges. Their lives became boring. The cruel reality of living made them forget about their love for each other and their aspirations. They began to fight and as time goes by the quarrels became worse.

One day at the end of their fighting she ran out of the house. She stood at the other end of the street and yelled, "You dont love me anymore!"

He hated her immaturity at that point and instantly screamed back, "I'm sorry we got married! You are not MY rib!"

She was stunned and speechless for a few moments. He regretted his words, but like the tears that were spilled it is impossible to be taken back.
With tears on her cheeks she went back into their house and packed up her things, determined to leave.

"If I'm not your rib, let me leave. Let us find our own soulmates."

Five years passed.
He never remarried, but was always trying to find out how she was getting by.
She went overseas and then came back.
She married a foreigner, and was later divorced.
He was disappointed that she didnt wait for him.

And late at night he drank coffee and felt pain in his heart. But he wouldn't and couldn't admit that it was her that he missed.

One day their paths crossed. At the airport, the place where hellos and goodbyes are of the norm, they were only separated by glass.

he: How are you?
she: I'm fine.. Have you found your lost rib?
he: No.
she: I'm flying to New York on this flight.
he: I'll be back in two week's time. Call me if you have the time. You know the number, nothing has changed.

She smiled sweetly and walked away. "Goodbye.."

A week later he heard the news that she was one of 9/11's victims.
That night, he sipped his coffee and again felt pain in his heart. Finally he knew that the pain was because of her, his own rib, that he himself had stupidly broken.