Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

Because Marissa likes Ryan, so, ..

*Squeeee! I've missed you!

Work, work, and more WORK! Oi-Vay!!

Me and OC for the first time:

I like Ryan, and I Looooooooooooooooooooooove Seth. *SQUEEEEEEEEEEE! heheh. I hate the girls. Especially Summer. Like, um, why on earth is Seth, like, sooooooooo interested in her? Like, whatev! Go away, Summer. Maybe the north pole could use you. Geddit? North Pole, Summer, like, totally funny!! um, no? Ok. Whatev. And Marissa, like, she totally did it. With Luke. Cuz, she saw Ryan and Gabrielle totally sucking face. But um, wait.. you came with Luke..and you couldnt make up your mind..um, so, like Ryan..is supposed to..wait? Huh. Come on, Seth's granma is totally a hottie!

So anyway, Marissa is..not a.. you know. And she told Ryan, "you're too late."

Yay, Ryan!

But Ryan goes away sad, so..