Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

Buffy's back!

And how. I gotta tell ya, though, the Buffy'sback experience was a bit ruined at the opening credits:

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

(Buffy si Pembunuh Pelesit)

Like, whaaaa? Haha!!

Yesterday we also caught Asha Gill(dislike!)'s traveler-discovery show. The one where she went to a malay wedding and expressed her amazement at the fact that at this day and age, the couple did not engage in any sexual encounters for two years. Halo, lu tak penah duduk Malaysia ka? I'm sure she knows about the people's religion. Then during the wedding, the mc told a story about how on the couple's first date, the bridegroom learnt the sounds the bride would make when she has to go to the bathroom. Eh? shrewd! Later, Asha was talking to the mc and again, she expressed her amazement. Asha said that the bride was such a good girl and how did they manage? And the mc agreed, "It was very commendable." Riiiight. Way to flaunt your not-so-religious belief.

I'm not a prude, but come on, talking about how they abstained from sex? Is not really the most appropriate subject at the couple's wedding, kan? So is the subject of the sound one makes when they have to go the bathroom! That's tragic.

Angel's back too. Have seen this on TV2, though. Plus, Connor's still around. I hate Connor.