Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

wait, wait, how can you sing first about bikes, then tricycles? whuh?

yeah for some strange reasons this song kept playing in my head, like, right now:-

i dont want to growup, i'm a toys'r'us kids, i've got me and toys and toys'r'us that i can play with, i dont want to grow up, i'm a toys'r'us kids we've got so much, and so much toys you really won't believe it from bikes to tricycles video games it's the biggest toy store there is gee whiz! i dont want to grow up cause maybe if i did, i couldnt be a toys'r'us kid more games more toys oh boy! i wanna be a toys'r'us kid


my friendster's list has reached 100 and that's like woohoo! it's like a dream come true! except not. maybe i need to get out more.