Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

Drama Queen.

Me. Tsk. Shame.

Hi Marissa? Ha. Hahahaha. Haaahahahahahhahaha. Haaaaaaahahahahhahahahhaha. Told you Oliver was crazy. Hahaha. You deserve it, every single minute. I just wish that you had found out wayyyy later, probably when you've been to Paris or LA or Botswana or wherever you planned to go with him. That? Would have been sweeter. Ha. Hahaha. And Seth? I don't? Understand? The relationship you have? With Anna? Hmm? I just love one thing - how Luke is so buddy-buddy with Ryan. Nice!

Speaking of drama, Harry is SO the drama king in the fifth. Meh.

"If I ask 'Why me?' for every bad thing, I'll have to ask 'Why me?' for all the good things as well." - Arthur Ashe.