Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart


Everyone�s talking about Siti Nurhaliza, more than ever. How she turned bad, how her family is evil, how she�s no angel but a devil wearing Prada.. hehe. I got that email three times. Three! Which just shows how Malays are truly, truly concerned about Siti. It�s either Oh No! This couldn�t be Siti! Or Ha! I�ve always known that she�s baaaaaaaaaaad! Yay! Yay! I don�t believe any of it. Or rather, I don�t care to believe any of it. Maybe she is all of the things the writer who didn�t enclose his or her real name (dudette, like, way to go! You�re SO amazingly credible, you take my breath away) wrote in that badass email. Maybe her family is. But that doesn�t necessarily means you have the license to spread the ugly news. No way. What she does � it�s just between her and the people that she wronged, and God. In my opinionlah, I don�t know about anyone else. So hi, writer? Asmah, is it? Oh that�s not your real name? Okay. You�re.. sad. I�m sorry.

And one of Angels (like where the valar did this group come from?)? Who said �Tak salah kita nak seksi mengikut keadaan?� I don�t know which one? It is wrong to be sexy, anywhere. It doesn�t matter what function you go to. In the Quran it said tight fitting clothes equals being naked. What more of clothes that do not cover your aurat, right? I don�t care what you wear or what you do, really, but please, when you go on television? Speak right. Don�t embarrass yourself, or your family, or Islam. I am offended that you said that. Think much? As if!

So I saw Alias yesterday, and I�ve read the episode guides and whatever, but.. I�m still disappointed that Vaughn is married. It has only been two years, Vaughn. Two years. That quick to get over Sydney? Whom you�ve been pining for, oh, I don�t know, 5 years? 3? Hmmm. Then again, what do I know? Maybe love is swift and unexpected and all that. Maybe. But still. And Melissa George, hello Melissa George! You�ve come a long way, haven�t you? Yes, I think you have. I still remember the days when you were with Dieter Brummer. Hmm. Where is Dieter Brummer? Faded into oblivion, has he? Poor Dieter. Oh well. Fame isn�t forever, huh? And it�s certainly not for everybody.

I got an email from Moez Masoud. Heee. It�s a mass email, but still, he wrote it himself and he sent it to me! Eeee! Heeee! I miss you, Mr Moez!