Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart




�Why won�t you court me properly? Who knew what could have happened.�

�Because I was afraid. Of Rejection.�

�From fear comes courage, you know. But � yeah. I get that.�

In another place �

�I love your shoes. Where�d you get them?�

�Oh, these old things? Blahniks. I was just looking for something simple, you know. Didn�t really care for it much. Your shoes are exquisite!�

�Oh, these are just from a small shop somewhere. I just ask them to put some rubies and sapphires in, though, to dress them up a bit. Otherwise they�ll look so plain like you wouldn�t believe.�


I�ve stopped watching TBATB. It has gotten too much to stomach in. In the future Logan will sleep with Deacon, and he is still her son-in-law. Sick or what? Part magna. And she�s so angry people calling her a �ho. Let�s see.. you�ve slept with every Forrester except your son, and then your son-in-law? Let�s just say, I�m not surprised that the family has really bad thoughts about you.


What does normal really mean? What�s normal? What everyone does is normal? What we�re used to, is it normal? When we say, oh, that�s normal, how do we really know? Are we just saying oh, that�s normal, to convince ourselves that it�s allright to do the things we are doing? What if it�s actually wrong, but we don�t know? Hmmmm?

Lately I find that I don�t really like the word normal. Because I don�t really know what it means.

That movie Anaconda 2:Hunt For The Blood Orchids? It�s set in Borneo. Borneo has no anacondas. Blood Orchids are only found in Texas. Hahamuhaha. Looks like if it�s real life, the expedition will fail from the word �Let�s (go)�. The go would be trapped inside the mouth, with no chance to ever be let out into the big wide world. It�s like the but that was caught in Milo�s mouth, the one he used to break the wall of silence. And I thought of that! Cool.


So, I have a new theory. Movies? Are purely for fun. We shouldn�t stress ourselves on how movies don�t make sense. They don�t have to. There is no rule that said �Movies have to make complete sense every single time.� So�. Don�t bring brains into movies. You won�t need it half the time. I may be cutting Malaysian filmmakers a big break here. So go! And make movies! And entertain me! Because if I want to see movies that makes sense, I�ll go and pop in my StarWars CD, alright? Don�t worry about me. I�m sitting pretty.

I don�t like the sound of someone�s voice. Hearing it is like, �Dude, I am SO not believing every single thing you say. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.�