Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

I would like a hero, please. Yes. The sandwich.

Dude? I'm sorry. I lied. My hero is not really Dave the Barbarian. Dave is actually a cartoon who lives in a castle on the Disney Channel. So it's like a joke. Which would've worked if you actually knew who Dave was.. heh. Dave is like a warrior, only he's dim-witted. So he doesn't really act all.. warrior-like. And that's funny. That's why I larf him. Heee.

My hero would be Buffy the vampire slayer. Another one is our Prophet but yeah, He's my hero, but I don't want to really explain why he is because people could get all "Ooooh. So baik eh? Prophet as her hero..pehhh! Ye ke?" And I would hate that. Yeccch. Buffy is my hero because she's strong, she kicks ass, she's not afraid to admit that she has shortcomings. She gets knocked down all the time but she gets back up again and fight. That's awesome. I so want to be like her. Except, not kill vampires because ugly vampires and zombies? are icky. Ewww. No, thank you.

From the list that we saw? I would probably vote for Suu Kyi. I believe she fought for what she believed in - and suffered for it.

You asked, "kena ada ke?"
Well.. no, actually. You don't have to have a hero, not having one doesn�t mean you won't excell in life. But I think it's nice to have one. It's like when you're depressed, or down, you can think about your hero and somehow.. find strength. It's like an inspiration to keep on fighting. For anything. That's my two cents anyway.

What do you know? The thoughts are more flow-y late at night. Hmmm. Heroes. That is really a good topic to have conversations about.