Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

27 December 2004

I am addicted to Arnott's Shapes Biscuits. I can't stop munching on them. Last week's Nacho Cheese only lasted three days. Today's Pizza is already halfway gone, and I have only bought it this morning. I feel that this is a disgrace. More self-restraints I should have. TSK.

I read through Carnivale on TwoP and discovered this: That spanish girl Stumpy brought home was Jessica Alba. Wow. I thought she was very gorgeous.

I have also recently learned that Christmas is celebrated for 12 days. Heh. I had no idea. No wonder the song 12 days of Chrismas. Go figure.

Boss is on holidays from today until Wednesday. Let's hope that I will get some work done in the time that she is absent.(hahahhaha)