Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

january 12, precious

We hates it, precious, when we feel like fools.. we hates it when we fail to solve the problems and when the boss solves it first.. we hate that we don't use our brains good enough.. we must do better precious. Truly we must.

Also, we hates it when we squeeze our brains out for things to say. We hate that.

We hates the atrocious accents the actors and actresses use in that Salina series, but we'd loves us some Kamals.. is he hot or what?? Also, we felt compelled to talk in atrocious English accents for the rest of the evening after watching it, don't we precious?

We laughed yesterday, didn't we precious, when we saw Mr Jessica Simpson on Charmed? Especially when Phoebe was all over him the first 3 minutes they met..wasn't that funny precious? Didn't he have something better to do, right, precious?? We almost barfed when they planned to save Leo.. seriously, precious, was Leo ever of any use to them? We shakes our heads, precious, really we do.

That's all, precious, let's spend some intimate time with this contraption called the computer..and go see Friends later. We do need to laugh, don't we, precious?