Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

21 january - Aidil Adha in Malaysia

Streamyx: It's aaaaalllliiiiiivveeeeee!!!!!!
Still some bugs though. Yesterday I snapped at the helpdesk people. I was pissed. Normal situation. Anyway I don't like the feeling that there is something wrong with my computer systems. That just sucks, man. How come these things never surfaced when we were just using dial-up? THose were happy times.. they still haven't replied the email I sent 2 days ago. Wow, so helpful!! Dealing with Streamyx is actually making me miserable. If I had known.. I would have never said yes.. I hope things will get better soon. I hope!!

Later,night - I've decided to talk quite nicely to the helpdesk people when I call. Mayhap a miracle will happen and everything will run smoothly. As of now; Streamyx sucks. Bigtime. Also: NO, IT'S NOT ANY FASTER THAN DIAL-UP. Sheeeesh.