Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

5th February

I am browsing using Mozilla Firefox, thanks to this person whose online journal I read. Wooohooo! Although I am an IT personnel, sadly I am not so much a techno-savvy person. I'm always lazy to update myself techwise, although, yeah, being in this field, that is exactly what I'm supposed to do, right? I know. I suck. I know all it takes is reading. And reading. And reading. I'm just not there. I am there, though, for other things, like who was that hot guy X595 aka Alex in Dark Angel? I'll read (Jensen Ackels). Did the Mayans really perform human sacrifices? I'm going to find out! (Yes, they really really absolutely did). What was really going on between Alexander and Hephaestion? I will know!!(They loved each other. It's not homosexual love, though. Back in those days love between the same sexes does happen the pure and unconditional way. Things are not exactly the same then and now, you know? )
I do want to be techno-savvy. I will try.
ps: Word's alternative for Hephaestion? Exhaustion. Silly. That is Alexander, after Hephaestion. Heeheee.