Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

Apree 23

I still don't know this planet Rakis. Everything is different. I have no connection with these people. I miss Gurney, Jessica, Stil, Alia, and my loyal, sweet Duncan. I even miss Paul. Even Paul! I want it to feel like home. But this.. isn't home.

Later, in the hours of vesper- Be Cool. It ain't cool with me. I kept waiting for it to peak, but it never did! Maybe I was aiming too high. Or maybe it's because I haven't seen Get Shorty. I don't know. John Travolta: Eh. Uma Thurman: Man, she looks.. old. The Rock: Man, I don't know if he's, um, desperate? Or laughing too hard at himself. For his sake, I hope it's the latter. He�s got very nice teeth though. Really white too. A monologue from Bring It On? Eheh. heheh. heheh. Steve Tyler is old and.. leathery. Um. Andre Benjamin: He's cute. Heee.
I shall now declare my love for all things Vince Vaughn. I love all things Vince Vaughn! I dig him, bro, you know what I'm sayin'? I really dig him, man. Eheh. heheh. heheh.
I love Vince Vaughn.