Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

May 06

I saw StarWars3's trailer. Anakin looks hot!! With longer hair! He's not a boy anymore! Whoooo!
I think the dialogue's a little cliche. Especially the part when Palpatine tells Anakin how the dark side of the force is, like, totally rock. I can't remember what he said but I KNOW it's cliche. I feel it in my heart. Then Anakin went "How do I learn these powers?" And Palpy goes "NOT from a Jedi." huh. It just doesn't feel.. good, chouknowhati'msayin'?
Anakin, my man. The powers are clearly labelled the dark force. It reeks of evil and evil and bad stuff. I don't know why you're drawn to it. It's not like you're tricked into believing it, you know? So I'm.. I don't know. I'm disappointed. I think my ancestors should have more sense than that. I think you should go to the AW Basic training. I'm just saying. Don't be angry ok? We're family.
I'm still excited though. And I think my heart's gonna break when Anakin cross over and Obi Wan witness it. Anticipation! Anticipation!! Whooooooo!!