Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

May 10

On the Excell Job Predictor, if i put in my name my ideal job would be unemployed. NICE!! If I put Neri as name my ideal job would be TV reality show star. COOOL BEANS!! If I put in my full name my ideal job would be psycho-therapist. OMIGOD! SO TRUE! Yay! I'm so happy (rethinking: Actually no. I'm quite psyhotic myself. I don't think this could work). If I put in my second name my ideal job would be sandwich board advertising. Cool? Um, I'm not sure what it really means. Ahaha.. and if I put in my absolute full name my ideal job would be:stripper. Haha. Hey! My name has good meanings, you know.

Conserve water. Two damns in the state are having declining water levels.