Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

14th day of May

We have sent the cat Bobo to the vet to be kasi-fied.
I am now at my new place at the office. We shifted from the north wing to the south wing. Being noble I have sacrified myself and volunteered to sit at the place where my computer directly faces the boss's path. It is a risky spot; I must now hone my concealing-internet-surfing skills to extreme perfection. I will try. Mayhap I will not be able to surf as much as I like anymore. Mayhap I will concentrate more on my work.
We saw a kung-fu movie spoof called Kung Phooey last night. Funny, stupid and entertaining. Those would be the three words I would use to describe the movie.
My money is disappearing and I still haven't bought my Alexander yet.