Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

18th day of May

An ode to Eggplant.

O! Eggplant.
I used to really not like you.
You used to be too squishy and really unappetizing to me.
Then I had one of you. Tempura-ed.
Gawd I loved it!
Then I assumed that I'll only eat you, fried.
Then I tried another, cooked with chilli.
OooooOOoh.. heaven!
Funny how I used to be squeamish about your squishiness,
and now your squishiness is exactly what I adore.
I'll eat you anyway I can! Fried, chilli-ed, and merged with fishball, in a yong tau foo!
O Eggplant
How do I love thee? Well, so far, cooked. I haven't tried raw yet.
But you're not appealing raw.

Inspired by Pablo Neruda who wrote odes to a lot of things.
Pablo Neruda was discovered thanks to Natinski, whose various mentions of Pablo Neruda led me to look for him.