Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

7th day of June

I saw Oprah the other day and she had the Presleys come over and talk about a show they have out recently, Elvis by the Presleys. It was a little disturbing to see Lisa Marie looking a lot older than Priscilla. At least to me. How the heck did that happen? Omigod. A cruel joke. Maybe because Lisa Marie played baby-sitter once with the oldest kid in the world? Crr. uel.

Washed my car yesterday, after the parental units freaked out about how filthy it was. I agree. It was truly encrusted with dirt. I am ashamed. There was even a small spot of-cat vomit. hee.
I do not like washing cars.

Black as night, as soot, as tar, as Darth Vader. Black as.