Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

July 01

I like the name Damien.
I used to know a boy called Damien when I was in school. He was very cute but unfortunately, he was also very evil. He had the whole bad-boy image going on. He called me up once to ask stupid questions. I don't think he had a crush on me. Later he moved to Australia, and I thought, great. He'll join a gangster gang, because that would be SO him.
I surfed about Damien Rice today. I read an online journal about a girl who went to see him sing and she loved every minute of it. Then someone commented 'Who is Damien Rice?' and I thought, hellleww, like, ignorant much? She has adoring fans who are too obsessed with her, in my opinion. But of course my opinions doesn't count.
Damien, Liz Hurley's boy, is not cute. I'm sorry, but he is not. It's too bad, I think he's got a lot of his father in him, looks-wise.
Damien is also the name of satan's offspring in the movie Omen. That movie scared the bejabbers out of me.
There's just something about it. Damien. Beautiful, yet so dark.