Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

auguts 26

LOST gives me heart attacks the way Sidney Sheldon's stories does. No answers. No answers. No answers, dagnabit!! Hate. Kate. LOATHE. Why does she wants and has to do everything? Why does Jack lets her? Why? Why? WHY??? And Sawyer's gonna die, isn't he? ISN'T HE?!?!?!?!?!?!! *sobs*

Someone gave Mawi a brand new BMW. Woman, please. Couldn't you have given the money to the poorer and needier? You are aware that Mawi-boy is well on his way to become a millionaire, no?

I'm still baffled why no fuss is made over Nicole David's fantastic success. Surely she is a better role model. The powers that be seems to be doing nothing about it. Why? Why? I think she's a way better person to yell the magic words.