Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

August 27

I had to laugh when I saw what Fasha Sandha was wearing last night at Anugerah Skrin. A hat. Looks a lot like a fashionable garden hat. Oh honey, I'm not saying that you didn't look pretty, you know you did, but a hat, darling? Is more suitable if you're attending a fancy wedding. Or a tea party. Or a horse race. But never, never, at a formal sit-down dinner. That just ain't right, hon. Better luck next time.
And what is up with the haphazard-ly songket theme? Why were some people wearing some and others weren't even wearing any? Was this a last minute decision? The thing is, if you've got to have a theme, the least you could do is get everyone to go along with it. I didn't see a scrap of songket on some of the performers. Very bad form. And I thought Sarimah was absolutely awesome in her modest baju kurung songket. That was really nice. And very theme-fitting. Fabulous-O.