Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

sept 05

monday is the perfect day for hating.

i HATE AND LOATHE the lifts in this building, especially when the sign says it has reached G and it flashes G quite obscenely, and yet refuses to open and expectant riders are all like, gaping at that stupid flashing G sign until another lift opens about 5 million years later. LOATHE. what in the freaking valhalla is up with the lifts. ENLIGTHEN ME.

i hate a certain something that i will undoubtly face every single freaking time. every single time.

where there is hate, there is also love, and recently i love dooce. she is so freaking funny i laughed out loud reading last night. and her daughter is just gorgeous. and looks exactly like her husband. heee.

i have this sudden urge to pick up greek. so far the only greek word i know is meltemi, which means 'fierce winds', courtesy of the immortal by christopher pike.

a lot of people except maybe hawaiians may not know that the word 'huhu' means angry. unless they read the unicorns goes to hawaii by francine pascal.

foreign words are tuff.

mondays. poo.