Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

september 28

i laughed at a senior wearing pinkbarbie watch, and then i realised i have a small stuffed kangaroo hanging on my work handbag. O.uch.

i crave the thing i made last night. sometimes, i am the best cook i know. ha.

watching House is like, scary, man. i was never scared watching ER, with all the illsnesses(channeling evaDiva) flying around. it was acceptable (except,you know, carter. I HATE CARTER). but House.. dude, House lists off about a million diseases/illsnesses/symptoms that you don't even know you could have. every freaking episode! House is my horror movie! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(thank god the presence of robert!sean!leonard! comforts my soul. not in a romantic way. just.. i'm glad you're here, man. i'm glad you're here.)

happiness is wanting what you have.