Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

22nd octobereth

i have tears in my eyes every time i watch the trailer for pothead's GOF . every time.

where is my ryan? i turned on the tv last nite at 10.00 pm to watch ryan, mr channel8. he is nowhere to be seen. he is replaced by michael bluth. now i have nothing againts michael bluth, i adore him, the bluths are hil-arious, though i think michael should take george michael and himself as far away from his family as he possibly can, and last nite? buster carrying the buckets of fake blood and went "we have juice? this party is off the rock!" like zedis lapedis it's so freaking funny? but i think you're so mean. why are you doing this mr channel8? why do you show the OC one time and not show it some other time? why? why? why? ohhh you're just a big meanie.

everyone everyone everyone every!one! in survivor guatemala is just, ew.