Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

sometimes i read dictionaries..for fun.

november 17.

oh, look. poor fellas over at 8tv made a booboo last night.. they've gotten hydrangeas and fire hydrants confused. one is a type of flower and the other IS, um, 'pili bomba'. that is soo cute. better luck next time ok? and try to look things up with a dictionary. they really DO work, y'know.

i went to the fun fair and i could STILL scream like a girl. yeah!!!!!!! though the AM I OLD??? paranoia is back, 3 rides and i'm pooped? like an old lady? pffft. i blame the blinking spotlights (like, dudes, what is the deal???) and the jinjang-y dance music that was too damn loud for the ears. definitely. even a 15-year-old would find the ground swaying. meh.