Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

december 7

the fish and chips i ordered at lunch today came after about five million years. and when it came it was like a joke. there was a tiny piece of fried fish, a scoop of coleslaw, and a glob of mayonnaise (don't you forget it, it ain't no tartar sauce). AND there were no fries. nay a fry in sight. and all that for twelve ninety. twelve frikkin ninety.
after the shock wore off i threw a tiny hissyfit. i went to the counter all, "dude, is it supposed to be this small?" dude was all "uh, yeah." and i was all, "all this for 12.90?" and dude was all, "uh. yeah." so i was like, "ew. keep it. no thanks, i'm not eating today."
it felt like i got punk'd.