Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

december 20

1. i really really wish i could access leta's mommy's website at work. i could always use a good laugh, and pictures of leta are always, always a sight for sore eyes (and hearts). am i being creepy? i'm sorry but i love her pictures. i do.
2. i love rome, and mark anthony is kinda hot. i am ashamed.
3. cadet kelly is one of my favourite movies of all time.
4. my sisters says the cat misses me when i'm gone for more than two days. if there is one thing in this world that i could do right, it is feeding the cats.
5. i found a cool site, futureme.org. it lets you send email(s) to yourself any chosen time in the future. if i do it i'm thinking of asking myself this: "dude, are your married? yet?" just for fun. 10 years from now. i'm not hoping for any definite answer.