Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

march 8 - tv shows

i fell in love with leta all over again today. GOD(this is how much i mean it)i love that girl.

latest tv attachments:

1.phil of the future. i don't like potf previously, but i have grown fond of it recently. i like phil, and his girl who is not a friend i mean his friend who is a girl keely. but most of all, i love pim. in an alternate dimension i would be her slave(because i am not worthy to be her friend) and do her every biddings. my adoration for pim knows no bounds. pim RULES.

2.the ghost whisperer. i am ashamed. i'm not fond of j.love hewitt. but whenever i catch it(if by catch i mean when i stumble upon it i purposely do not touch the remote) it manages to tug at the heartstrings every time. i'm also morbid. to ease my soul about the fact that i watch this show i will now declare: YOU DRESS WEIRD, LADY. so there.