Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

april 04 - wonder woman

i already love wonder woman to pieces so if lindsay lohan gets to be the latest wonder woman, ...

that's hottttttt.


ohmygourd, y'all. i am so embarassed. for the people who actually sent smses to sms boy mawi, berating him for "treating" his fiance a certain way. seriously, do you guys see yourselves in the mirrors when you're doing this? it's just embarassing. don't y'all have nothing better to do? i mean, i understand that mawi is precious and all, but come awnnn you guys, guy's only human. it's like smsing michael jackson personally that he is a crazy mixed up dude. like calling up courtney love herself to beg her to please please please let someone else take care of darling frances bean because courtney? you whacked, woman. what? you don't know who courtney love is? ... okay, anyway, my point is: what chou wanna go do that for????
i just think, y'all need to get a life. i'm just saying. it's ok to be angry that some rumors are going on about those two, but smsing the dude himself, and cussing; might be stepping over the line. like, who are you people again? his, um, parents? i know, i know, y'all are his died-hard fans.. but y'all gotta give him space, men. and women. and kids. and makciks. and pakciks. really! y'all need to give him space to grow, you know? make his own mistakes. bla bla bla. he was never yours to begin with. just like jack mcallister was never mine but i hope he'll be mine. but he won't be because he'll die. or is dead. y'all have no idea who jack mcallister is? sigh.
just.. get a life. and learn who courtney love is. i'm telling you, that woman is whack. you'll see.