Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

april 19 - babies

1. everyone's having babies. my friends, the jolie-pitts, tomkat(welcome to the world baby suri!), brooke shields(why is the baby's name grier? that is so weird.), gwyneth's moses martin (i missed his birth by a week. a week!! am i losing my touch??) AND melissa etheridge and WIFE tammy lynn who is pregnant with twins. gourd.

2.crazy people on the road. people who speed up the instant you turn your blinkers on to signal entering into a lane. you know what? i wish tom cruise jumps on your couch declaring how much he loves you. because seriously, even after a million years, jumping and hooting about how much you love someone ON A COUCH was just too embarrassing(for both announcer and announcee). i'm sorry suri, but people are going to bring this up WHENEVER and WHEREVER you go. there is no escape.

3.is it true luke perry is now all wrinkly? that's sad. one of the frat boys in amazingrace9 kinda looks like him. and then i remembered luke perry used to be so cute in 90210. which was a thousand years ago. great. now i'm sadder.