Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

april 26 - noah wyle

oh noah wyle. you're cute, but even when you're not carter on ER, you still don't win any favors from me. i just saw you on a TURKEY of a movie called The Librarian: Quest for the Spear. which i watched because tv3 refused to air jack and bobby. geeky hero-esque thing going on. i still don't like you. for some reason you kind of irritate me especially as carter, except that one time when his grandma and his cousin died. i cried a little because my heart is not made of stone. what are you doing nowadays anyway? a little check on imdb revealed that there will be a second the librarian? for reals???? good grief. i've also read that you've a three year old whom you STILL push around in a stroller. seriously. make that kid walk. don't cultivate laziness. but it's just my opinion. i don't have kids. i don't know anything. anyway, noah wyle: don't ever change.