Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

17 may - i'm all-right.

sometimes after a really good movie or one of those really nice love stories (i know. maim me.) i would think: i can do this. i can not have a real lovelife but instead, just delve in these mediums whenever i feel like it. i mean, i'll be alright. heck, i am all-right. since some people think it's just un-normal to still be like this. i'm really ok.


you don't come here, do you?


charlie salinger, i really like you with ana-lucia. some people hate her but i really don't. all my hate(S) is for kate. HATE... KATE. plus i kinda have a grudging respect for rodriguez now. she did jail-time instead of community service. that is just so whack in a girl-power kind of way.


when i was fifteen i discovered that ann frank wrote her diary addressing it as kitty. i started writing dear mr brandis in my diary after that. and stopped three days later because dear mr brandis? seriously??? GOURD.


mrs armstrong posted a picture of her dog chuck wearing his collar upside-down and received barrages of emails and comments condemning her for it. wow. she is super-awesome. her rock-star status is only something i dream about.