Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

26 may - dear karel

dear karel,

while i'm still a long way from juilliard, i think i'm good enough for the little miss stoneybrook pageant. i'm semi co-ordinated! except at shaking the butt part because i wasn't sure which derriere goes where. but haha! little miss stoneybrook! get it??
of course not. boys don't read the babysitters club.
bet you don't remember me. we used to be "penpals" and the number of letters we exchanged during that period was a grand total of three. and i remember in one of those letters i was all 'i'm a girl but i like to climb trees and i hate to go shopping like all my other girlfriends' and i guess i was a liar even back then huh? all in the name of impressing an american living in the united states and when my dad found what i've written he put a huge question mark wherever applicable. i was all about impressing you. i even dreamt one night at that time that you replied my letter after a three-month wait and i was so happy.
for some reason today while we were doing leg-lifts my mind thought of you.
hope you're living a good life. i'm doing ok.