Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

june 1 - sometimes in love

Below is an interview between Nerryna(questioner) and Nerryna(answerer).

Nerryna is 20-something, working, and is sometimes in love with her own writings.

Q: Hello, Nerryna.
A: That's not a question. It should be Hello, Nerryna? Like that movie Ron Burgundy. I'm Ron Burgundy? Gourd, that cracks me up EVERY TIME.

Q: So what made you get into online writing?
A: My friend introduced me to this whole online diary thang. She loved reading natinski.diaryland.com, and I was an on-off reader, until I became a serious reader somewhen in 2003. Then I started thinking, how awesome it would be if I write online? So I jumped on the bandwagon, since a couple of my friends had started writing online too.

Q: Have you been writing a long time?
A: In a way, yeah. When I was little I drew pictures that told stories of my adventures when I was an adult.

Q: That's not writing. That's drawing.
A: Um, Thank you Captain Obvious.

Q: How do you like the word blog?
A: Not very much.

Q: Do you like being called a blogger?
A: No.

Q: What do you mostly write about online?
A: Mostly anything my fancy little heart desires. Movie stars, TV shows, music, movies, my feelings, obsessions, the sky, cats, food, books, pavements, nature, forests, Leta, starwars, pretty boys,

Q: Dude, I get the point. I mean, I get the point?
A: I'm glad you did.

Q: Who are your online writing role models?
A: There's Natinski the online writing goddess. She's a goddess. I'm just hopelessly addicted. And Smartypants, gourd, I love MimiSmartypants. And her daughter Nora who is such a delight to read about. Nora's barely four and she's using words like gargantuan. How amazing is that?? She's just so awesome. And Mimi is so funny. And I absolutely love Heather Armstrong of Dooce. She is awesome. Her daughter Leta I love so much. The Armstrongs are awesome. I dreamt about them three times, do you think I'm obsessed? I'm awesome. I mean they're awesome. I need to know more awesome-describing words other than awesome.

Q: You're awesome?
A: Ew. Are you gay?

Q: That's not what I meant. How come you don't have a comment box on your site?
A: Because I'm paranoia. I mean, I'm paranoid. I get weirded out. I put up a guestbook for a month and no one wanted to sign it. Except someone who wanted me to sign her b**bs. Which I would totally do, blushing, because I'm a prude. Did you notice me saying b, star, star, b, ess? That's me being a prude.

Q: You're weird. I mean, you're weird?
A: But you said I'm awesome. You're weird.

Q: THATS NOT WHAT I MEANT. I think I've learned enough. Thank you, Nerryna, for spending time for the interview.
A: Thank you Nerryna! Haha. You're so funny you crack myself up.