Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

june 28 - veronica girl

why is this veronica girl in every single road rules/real world challenge there is? does she not have anything else to do? no jobs? no studies? no life changing activities to participate in? and why does she get asked every single time? she's not nice. she's a super-britch (and by super i mean really super as in she can really kick ass in all the challenges, very brave, quite fit(though chubby), and able to do anything-super). she fights with everyone. she was horrible in semester at sea and i saw semester at sea. why? whyyyy? is she one of those girls whom you secretly hate but would always want her around and would never want to have a damaged relationship with for god knows what reasons?
omg. i'm so sorry veronica, i'm sooo sorreeeee! i didn't mean what i said! pleaseee pleaseee don't be mad at me. it's not you, it's me, honest! please be my friend! please!! don't hate me! don't hate meeee!


i hope people at the groceries won't call me 'crazy cat lady' because i buy cat food all the time.