Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

july 12 - like a burden

i like singing to nick lachey's 'what's left of me'. it's so raw. so anguished. so amusing. i love how songs have 'pronounciation license'. the best part is the chorus: 'cos i want you, and i feel you, kerrawling underneath my skin, like a hunnggger, like a burning, to find a place i've never been'. i love the KERRrraW-lingGG part. i imagine actually seeing a tiny figure crawling underneath his skin, like from a science fiction show. and the hunGGGer part. he's so hurt!!! and then instead of burning i'd always want to say burden. cos it's like so fitting. like a hunger, like a burden. awesome.
only i dont get the you can have what's left of me part. what is he trying to say? he wants her back? even after she broke him? or do you want me back but i'm just half but you can have what's left? isn't that like saying you're basically just leftovers now? in what way is that appealing?