Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

jul 25 - mother nature

ohmygourd mother nature you are like so not allowed to get all hissyfit on me. the reason why i used about a gadjillion papers today is because the printer ate the papers that i tried to use recycle-style and you see? you see that i'm trying to do you a favor by wanting to use papers that has already been printed on one side and the printer won't co-operate? gourd. anyway so i used a lot of papers today when i really didn't mean to so i'm sorry. but we should really blame the printer. maybe it's kind of retarded. (PLEASE DON'T TELL IT I SAID THAT)
i'll send the ruined papers to the recycling center like i always do. i just feel kind of guilty just now because really, i didn't mean to use a lot of papers and like, the printer ate them(two).
so we're cool, right?