Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

jul 28 - N. Agony

I am Neri Agony. Tell me your woes.

Dear Ms. Agony,

I know this one person who, like, okay, I don't know KNOW her KNOW HER like I know her phone number or anything like that, but everyone KNOWS her like, know HER, you know? Anyway, so last week she just, like, made an announcement that she will be getting married. And then a few days later I found out that she went to her future husband's office, like, already?! When they had just announced the marriage a few days ago? Was she checking up on him? I don't know, is that suppose(sic) to be bad or good or cautious?????


Dear A Lot of Question Marks,

O chile, chill. Don't take this the wrong way but I do think you are way over yourself. Going over to a person's office is normal unless that someone has a weapon with intent to kill (like that dude who killed Bobby The Practice in the movie Runaway Jury). People in all sorts of relationships do it all the time. Girlfriends do it, boyfriends do it, mothers do it, mistresses do it, wives, loansharks, cosmetic sellers, you, me, I think you understand what I mean. This is what they define as "social call" or "visiting". Maybe she wants to ask him for lunch. Maybe she brought him lunch that she cooked herself, now, isn't that sweet? My point is, it's neither good nor bad nor cautious, it's just something that normal people who lives on this planet we call earth do. Maybe you live someplanet else? Then I truly understand if you find this baffling. My warmest regards, N.Agony.