Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

18 aug - and punisher's not

[The Punisher ties up baddie to the car, activates remote control, the car moves dragging baddie along(baddie: aaa..aaa..aaa..), he presses the remote control again, blowing up cars around one by one, camera pans out revealing the fiery shape of a skull]

"Dude, Thomas Jane looks hot. Lookit those arms."

"I know."

"Too bad it's Nic Cage next. I hate Nic Cage."

"What are you talking about?"

"You know... He's in the next movie, right?"

"That's Ghost Rider."

"... and Punisher's not..."

"DUDE. THEY ARE TWO DIFFERENT BAD-ASSES. Tell me you DID NOT THINK that they are one and the same."

"They have so many things in common!! The brooding! The vengeance over lost wives and kids! The bad-ass-kickings! The awesome mobiles! THE SKULLS!! THE SKULLS!!! It was an honest mistake!"

"... I'm embarassed for you. You'd better say you're sorry. Or else they'll both come after you, your family, the cats, AND the goldfish."
