Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

23 aug - makings of an awesome movie

If one were to make a movie about you, the tagline would be : 'PERLUKAN BUKTI SAHIH DIA ADALAH WIRA' (HE NEEDS DOCUMENTED PROOF HE'S A SUPERHERO).

The story would be, you're a superhero. Your name is BETULMAN (Orang betul sounds corny). You're perfect. Everything you do is right. You know everything there is to know in this whole wide universe. Everyone loves you and adores you. Everyone listens to what you say. And everybody hangs on to your every word because without you, they are useless. USELESS! You must tell them what to do. It is the only way to live.

And then alas!! A bunch of renegades tries to overpower you! Their evil plan is to RUN THINGS ACCORDING TO THEIR OWN MINDS and this cannot and must never happen because WHAT IF EVERYONE ELSE TRIES TO DO THE SAME? THE UNIVERSE IS AT STAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Of course you'll set out to do the right thing, saving the universe i.e CORRECTING it from this very grave error. Sure you'll face dangers and perils, because the renegades are slick and very, very stubborn. But still you prevail, and never once fail to keep a record of your perilous journey towards freeing the universe from their EVIL CLUTCHES. There will be action! Lots of fighting!! POW-WOW!! BIFF!! SOCK!! Complete with awesome soundtracks! Right there to motivate you towards success!

In the end you'll win. With ALL PROOFS DOCUMENTED. No one can say you didn't do your work, NO ONE. People will rejoice. Renegades, beaten to pulp. Glory is yours. And you'll get the girl.

Doesn't it have the makings of an awesome movie?