Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

1sept - never master butt-shaking

hey future dude. it's me. back from our 301st session of aerobics. (ok, fine. you know me so you know i'm exaggerating. more like the 250th. what? it's the TRUTH). i have good news and bad news. the good news is i didn't skip this week's. yay us! the bad news is, dude, i don't know if it's in our genes or anything, but it seems that we will never master butt-shaking. i know! i don't think it's hard, but i just.. we just fail, dude. we just fail. plus, this time, i felt like the booty got whiplashed. i know, right? how the hell? but i was there, dude. it did. yes, it's sad. but at least i feel good after the whole thing finished. and another good news: this time i only felt like i wanted to pretend-die for about 3 seconds. A MILESTONE!!! that's what counts.
and you know whom i thought of when we were doing the dumbellthingie? jennifer aniston and her deliciously-toned arms. hahaha! yeah. who were we kidding.
so, also, i just want to tell you that our shoes for aerobics --> very cute.