Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

sep 18 - Ok, dating.

Who are you dating, or is there anyone flirting with right now?

Me, me me! I love questions like these. Heee.

Ok, dating. Well, a few... not so serious though. The Man in the Iron Mask. Every night. Well, if I initiate. Sometimes he puts me right to sleep. But I'm still interested(I could end up as QUEEN!!!). We're just going a leeetlee bit slow. And then there's Fritz Robinson. I know, we're always on-off. In recent developments I'm a little bothered by his 'on-impulse' actions. Dude is too trigger happy. I'm not sure we'll be good in the long run. And I have a feeling he'll break my heart. For the third time. Whatever. There's always Ernest. Or Jack. Heeheee. Ok not Jack. Too young. So far the one who's consistent (like, every Thursday night? We go out.) is Dean Winchester. Except he always has to take his brother along(rolls eyes). Brotherly love and all that. And sometimes, sometimes HE HUNTS FOR GHOSTS on OUR DATES. Sigh. The things I put up with just to gaze into your eyes, Dean.

Flirting: Um, Geoffrey Chaucer. It started a long time ago but he just won't quit. And I kinda promised I'll see it through, but sometimes he just goes on and on and on and on and on and I just need a little break, you know? He's funny though. I quite like him. And for fun sometimes we'll talk middle english. But only for like, two minutes, because middel englysshe is mad as hell. Mad as in, dude, what the heyy-eck are you talkin' aboot?