Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

Sep 27 - We haven't done research

We have two goldfishes. One was a birthday present and the other one was bought at a petshop to keep Goldie Hawn company. Ms Hawn has laid eggs twice so I thought it would be nice to get a boy fish. Maybe there could be tiny goldfish spawn in the future. So I asked and shoplady said, "We haven't done research and there is no training. So we don't know." She did! I always get a kick when I retell that part. I chose an average sized one, bordering on small, because Ms Hawn is average sized herself. They got on well. Started roaming the tank together. Later(days) I noticed Hawn 2.0 could be having a tumor on its back. It looked hunchback-ed (Goldie was fine and showed no signs of cancer). So then I called it Hunchback of Notre Dame. Hunchback for short. One time it was time to change the water and I transferred the fishes into a smaller space, and Hunchback started to swim upside down. UPSIDE DOWN. WHAT A DRAMA KING/QUEEN(sex still unknown). I was concerned but when Hunch got back into the original spacious tank, it swam fine. Sheesh. Another time someone saw it do a somersault in the water. Maybe it was trying to impress Ms Hawn, who knows?

Sometime ago dad wanted to clean the tank (never do another person's job, hommie) and he lost grip and the tank cracked. So no more spacious fish space. A smaller tupperware has taken place (sorry, fishies). But they seemed to be fine. Maybe they couldn't even tell the difference. Except wonder if their vision has deterioted a tiny bit because outside world looks a little fuzzy nowadays (original tank was glass. Crystal clear).

Anyway yesterday HUNCH WENT BELLY FLOP. !!! I rushed to transfer it into the other smaller tank and first it went the right side up, and then it started to swim upside down again. Bejeebus. Cleaned the tank as quickly as I could, and IN THE MEAN TIME, Hunch again went belly flop, TWICE, (WAS IT ENJOYING IT!?!?!) and every time I prodded it with a finger it moved and swam downwards. DRAMA. FISH. I knew it was being all dramatic because its fins were still moving. SHEESH. Transferred it into the cleaned-water-tupperware and it started to swim on its side. ON ITS SIDE. THE HECK? Goldie was all fine, lalala, swimming on its own, sometimes drifting near Hunch, wondering, "Dude,what is UP WITCHOU?" So Hunch was observed for about half an hour, and it swam, in no particular order, the right side up, on its side, upside down, and sometimes even spiralling out of control (seriously) and the theory that I came up with was: the hump on its back was too heavy a burden to carry, thus the erratic swimming(a condition that will trigger when tiny room-space is involved). Dad's verdict: "It ate too much and mon dieu the belly is huge!!! Therefore; is too heavy to swim correctly."

One hour later Hunch was swimming merrily around, no problem, and thus proved that all it was being was a Drama Fish. We have a Drama Gold Fish. !!!

Dude, why is your pet SO WEIRD?

Past self.